VA Aide and Attendance and Social Security Increases – 2020

Did you know Cost of Living Allowances (COLA) for VA Aide and Attendance and Social Security is now at 1.6%? For Social Security you should receive a statement regarding your benefit. There is also an increase in Medicare. Pay attention to your statement. Most will be paying $145 Plus starting 1/1/2020. This will come into play if you are also receiving the VA Aide and Attendance.

The 2020 increase for Aide and Attendance is as follows:

  • Married Veteran and Spouse; $2266.00 monthly, $27,195.00 Annually
  • Single Veterans; $1952.00 monthly, $22,939.00 Annually
  • Widow of Veteran; $1229.00 monthly, $14,742.00 Annually

Have you ever wondered whether you’re eligible to receive public assistance like Medi-Cal, Social Security, or Veteran’s assistance Benefits like the VA Pension Fund? Well I host FREE seminars that cover how to receive many different types of public assistance. 

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