
Update: Live seminars restarted the first Wednesday of April!

Advanced Wellness, GCM Seminars

On this page, you’ll find a short description of each of the Seminars we host. Most are held every month in our office in Roseville, CA. All of our seminars are completely FREE to the public and we encourage you to come learn more about your healthcare and benefits management for yourself or a loved one, as soon as possible.

Here’s a short excerpt:

Unfortunately what we see too often are people in “crisis”, someone who’s having a health or medical emergency.

People who don’t plan ahead for those unforeseen emergencies – when something bad happens to you or to a loved one. When facing these types of situations, you have to make quick decisions that are many times costly and most of the time you face making them from a standpoint of being slightly uneducated about your options.

We like to help you avoid finding yourself in those situations. We want to help you be fully educated, informed and prepared ahead of time, for anything that could possibly happen to you or to a loved one.

It is less expensive and less stressful to be prepared than it is to wait until something bad happens to yourself or a loved one.



This seminar is for you or your loved one if you need to know about all public benefits to pay for care. You will learn whether you can qualify and how to apply for public benefits. This presentation will show you how to defray the cost of long-term eldercare.

You will walk away with valuable information about eldercare. This training is held twice a month in our office on Wednesday at 2:30 PM.  Please click here to check the calendar for the next available seminar date.  To Register for this Seminar Session, please click the button below:

senior placement


This seminar is for you if you do not know which documents are the most critical and/or you have no idea if you have completed these documents.  These three most critical healthcare documents are not in most power of attorney documents, wills or trust documents, but they are the documents you’ll need if you end up going to the hospital due to an emergency or “crisis” situation.  If you don’t have them, you will be in major trouble.

This Seminar/Workshop is for you if you are in the pre-planning stage and you’re not sure of everything you need to do or you know you should be doing something more to have all of your bases covered.   Many times it is the Adult children of the person who having a health emergency or who is in a crisis situation who will attend these sessions.  This is great because they become informed about their loved ones needs as well as their own needs.

We hold this Seminar/Workshop for FREE to educate you on exactly what you’ll need.  These seminars are held once per month in our office on Thursdays.  Please click the button below to get more information about this Seminar and to Register for the next available session.