Did you know we offer assistance in filling out those long and overly complicated forms from the VA, MediCal and more?
Did you know I offer assistance in applying for public benefits like MediCal, V.A. applications, and more?!?
When it comes to you’re loved ones, planning for future health issues can be tough, painful and almost always full of emotion.
But I’m here to help! I will work with you and help you understand the services that are available to you while getting you signed up at the same time.
Are you having trouble figuring out which medicare plan is right for you?
Are you searching for an assisted living facility but are not sure if they will meet your needs?
Are you Looking for help paying for healthcare?
Do you want to sign up for the Veterans Affairs Aid and attendance program?
I can help you with all of this and more!
Contact me today using the information at the bottom of this page or meet me in person at one of my free seminars and we’ll get started getting you the help you need.
Join my seminar
916.524.5151 • Fax 916.527.2250 For more information contact Helen Justice at helenjusticegcm@gmail.com 1100 Melody Lane, Suite 226 Roseville, CA 95678 Click Map for Directions |
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