Are you finally ready to sit down and get comfortable having the uncomfortable talk? Then it is time to prepare for the conversation to be as comprehensive and productive as possible.
To effectively plan for your future and create a plan to protect what’s yours, you must first start with a complete list of your assets. If you are meeting with an estate planning attorney or a financial planner, it may be advised that you have a copy of the most recent statements and documents related to your assets.
The following is a list of commonly held assets that should be included in your conversation:
• Investment or brokerage accounts
• Cash and bank accounts
• Retirement accounts
• Real Estate and other valuables
• Succession planning for businesses
• Life insurance policies
Once you have compiled this information and thought about who you would like to leave these assets to, you are ready to make a solid plan to protect and preserve your legacy.
We specialize in educating and helping you protect what you have for the people you love the most. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.
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